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김예지 시니어 외국변호사는 금융자문그룹 변호사로서 주로 인수금융, 프로젝트 파이낸싱, 발전ㆍ에너지, 국내 금융기관의 해외 펀드 투자 및 기타 기업금융 관련 업무를 수행하고 있습니다.
또한, 김예지 시니어 외국변호사는 미국 뉴욕주, 뉴질랜드, 호주 뉴사우스웨일즈주 변호사 자격을 취득하였습니다.
학력 닫기
- 2008-2013 뉴질랜드 University of Auckland, LL.B./B.Com.(국제경영)
- 2013 뉴질랜드 College of Law, Professional Legal Studies Course
경력 닫기
- 2016-2018 법무법인 제현 외국변호사
- 2018-현재 법무법인(유) 지평
주요 저서 및 논문 닫기
- 2024Global Practice Guides: Equity Finance 2024 (Trends and Developments) - South Korea (Chambers and Partners)
- 2024Chambers Overview on Capital Markets in South Korea - Korean Capital Markets Overview, Chambers Asia-Pacific 2025 Guide
- 2023Chambers Overview on Capital Markets in South Korea - Korean Capital Markets Overview, Chambers Asia-Pacific 2024 Guide
- 2022Chambers Overview on Capital Markets in South Korea - Korean Capital Markets Overview, Chambers Asia-Pacific 2023 Guide
- 2022한국 부동산 및 금융 거래의 주요 법적 이슈와 실무(공저), 박영사
뉴스레터 닫기
[JIPYONG LLC - Korea Legal Insight]
- Measures to Tackle ‘Korea Discount’: Details of the Guidelines for the Corporate Value-Up Plan Unveiled (June 3, 2024)
- Amendment to the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act: Mandatory Prior
Disclosure of Insider Trading for Listed Companies (Feb. 5, 2024) - Amendments to the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act: New Sanctions Against
Unfair Trading Activities (Nov. 6, 2023) - Facilitating Access to Korean Capital Markets: Lifting the Foreign Investor Registration Policy and
Mandating English Disclosures (March 6, 2023) - Korea Includes Nuclear Power in the Revised K-Taxonomy (Nov. 7, 2022)
- Investing in Korea: Issues to Note in Opening Bank Accounts (Feb. 7, 2022)
- Sunset Period on PFV Tax Benefits Set to Expire (Oct. 5, 2021)
- Implications to PEFs of Supreme Court Ruling on “Good Faith” Cooperation in Shareholder
Exit Processes (July 19, 2021) - ESG Investing: How Private Equity Fund Investments Are Affected (May 17, 2021)
- Lesson Learned – How to (un)live with securities-related financial crimes (April 5, 2021)
- Korean Privately Placed Funds: Way Forward (Feb. 1, 2021)
자격 취득 닫기
- 2013뉴질랜드 변호사
- 2013뉴사우스웨일즈주 변호사
- 2015뉴욕주 변호사
언어 닫기
한국어 / 영어