- TEL +855-23-964-022
- FAX +855-23-964-033
- E-MAIL somala@jipyong.com
CHEA Somala 외국변호사는 법무법인(유) 지평 캄보디아 사무소에서 캄보디아 내 외국 투자에 대한 자문을 제공하고 있습니다.
학력 닫기
- 1999-2003National University of Management (B.A. in Business Administration)
- 2000-2004Institute of Foreign Languages (B.Ed. in Education)
- 2003-2006Royal University of Law and Economic (M.P.L. in Private Law)
- 2005-2007National University of Management (M.B.A. in Business Administration)
- 2006-2008Institute of Foreign Languages (M.A. in TESOL)
- 2008-2009The Royal Academy of Judge and Prosecutor (Certified Attitude of Legal Profession)
- 2009-2010The Kingdom of Cambodia (Certificate of Member of the Bar Association)
National University of Phnom Penh (DBA in Business Administration)
경력 닫기
- 2005Intern, Kampot Provincial Court
- 2005-2007Administrator, Legal Aid of Cambodia
- 2008-2009Intern, Phnom Penh Municipality Court
- 2009-2010Attorney-at-Law, Law Office of L.D.R
- 2010-2012Attorney-at-Law, Mekong Law Group in association with DFDL Mekong
- 2012-PresentCSL & Associates in alliance with JIPYONG LLC
자격 취득 닫기
- 2009캄보디아 변호사
언어 닫기
캄보디아어 / 영어