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ESG & Sustainability

“ESG” refers to Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria. ESG has become a high priority for companies, and a key management consideration for increasing corporate value.

With ESG having become firmly ensconced as a management strategy for environmental sustainability and social value creation, Jipyong established the ESG Center to provide systemic support to our corporate clients in their ESG management.

Jipyong has long advised on a diverse range of matters related to corporate social responsibility (CSR), creating shared value (CSV), and social value (SV). And with the establishment of our Human Rights Management Team in 2019, Jipyong is at the forefront of human rights due diligence for corporate clients. We also enhanced our Environment Team and Compliance Team practices in 2020 who regularly advise on matters related to domestic and international environmental regulations, Green New Deal projects, environmental due diligence, compliance system advancements, and establishment of ESG compliance systems. In January 2021, Jun Hui LEE joined the ESG Center as our Strategy Group Leader, providing advice with other professional consultants on ESG management and sustainable strategies and their operations, and expanding Jipyong’s ESG management and sustainable strategy services. 

Comprised of lawyers and strategic consultants specialized in compliance, human rights management, and communications, Jipyong’s ESG Center provides comprehensive advisory services to large corporations and multinational enterprises related to ESG management consulting, ESG strategies and roadmaps, implementation models for SDGs, advancement of investor communications, materiality assessments and communications with stakeholders, as well as related legal services.

As the nation's first law firm to combine research, consulting, and legal and risk advisory services, Jipyong’s ESG Center provides unparalleled expert and comprehensive ESG management advisory services through its Strategy Group, Environmental (E) Group, Social (S) Group, Governance (G) Group, and Finance Group. The Strategy Group cooperates with Management Consulting Teams 1 and 2, and the Research and Education Team; the Environmental (E) Group cooperates with the Environment Team, Energy Team, Green New Deal TF, and Green Finance TF; the Social (S) Group cooperates with the Labor Team, Human Rights Management Team, Antitrust & Competition Team, Consumer Team, Bio & Healthcare Team, Occupational Safety and Serious Accidents Team, Criminal (Anti-Corruption) Team, Information Protection Team, Product Liability Team; the Governance (G) Team cooperates with the Compliance Team, Capital Markets/Disclosure Team, and M&A/Corp Team; and the Finance Group cooperates with the Financial Advisory Team, Capital Markets/PE Team, Financial Litigation Team, and the Stewardship Code TF.



ESG Management Consulting


[Establishment of ESG Management Direction and Strategy]

  • Establishment of strategies, mid- to long-term roadmap, and specific goals
  • Establishment of an operating system for the implementation of ESG management plan

[ESG Risk Assessment and Due Diligence]

  • Assessment of Environmental, Social, and Governance-related corporate activities
  • Identifying risk elements and offering countermeasures

[Advising on the Establishment of ESG Regulations/Policies and Process]

  • Establishment of the ESG-aligned performance management system and policy
  • Advising on ESG-related laws and regulations and compliance / Establishment of preventative measures
  • Internalization of ESG elements in the investment/loan/decision making processes

[Assessment of ESG Achievements]

  • Development and assessment of methodology to evaluate financial and non-financial values
  • Establishment of a monitoring system for the combined achievements of the non-financial (ESG) and financial sectors

[ESG Evaluation and Communication]

  • Advising on ESG management disclosure and public relations
  • Advising on risk management
  • Advising on responding to ESG assessment

ESG Academy


[ESG Workshop and Education]

  • Company-wide C-Suite ESG Insight meeting
  • Planning of ESG management education

ESG Research


[ESG Impact]

  • Development of business and advising on related matters
  • Research on partnership
  • Research on ESG modeling

[ESG Policy and Management Research]

  • Research on ESG regulations, financial regulations, and related policies
  • Benchmarking of the management strategies of ESG leading companies in Korea and foreign countries
  • Research on ESG management trends and issues


Assessment of ESG Management and Development of ESG Strategies* (*for corporate groups, large conglomerates, small- and medium-sized enterprises, and public institutions)

  • Established ESG management system and roadmap
  • Established ESG management strategy
  • Developed the ESG compliance system
  • Conducted ESG due diligence
  • Conducted CSV case study and analyzed ESG management models

Assessment of the Materiality of ESG Management and Consultation of ESG Disclosure

  • Assessed the materiality of ESG management
  • Managed and analyzed the comprehensive ESG data and published the report

Research and Analysis of Global ESG Management Cases

  • Analyzed environmental management of global companies for benchmarking purposes
  • Researched ESG trends
  • Analyzed ESG-related laws and legal trends

ESG Academy

  • Provided C-Suite education
  • Provided company-wide education for executives and employees
  • Provided special lectures for employees in ESG-related divisions
  • Provided tailored education for major divisions* (*Procurement, HR, Sales, IR, Safety and Environment Divisions, etc.)

  • Provided legal support to social ventures in the decarbonization/resource cycling sectors and supported the creation of a decarbonization ecosystem
  • Conducted research on the government support for net zero companies and RE100
  • Research on environmental management strategies of global tech companies for benchmarking purposes
  • Advised on the local governments’ Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects for landfill sites and sewage treatment plants
  • Advised a Korean exchange (a quasi-government authority) and a Korean power company on matters related to CER (Certified Emissions Reduction)
  • Advised a local government on the establishment of environmental ordinance in connection with climate action-related laws
  • Advised on the development of alternative energy such as the construction of solar photovoltaic power station
  • Represented clients on environmental litigation related to air pollution, CER, waste, noise and vibration pollution

  • Advised clients on human rights due diligence and human rights management
  • Advised the state and local governments and state-owned enterprises on human rights due diligence on their administrative guidelines and handbooks
  • Advised clients on communications with stakeholders and relations with civil society
  • Advised clients on cases involving sexual harassment or workplace harassment and on the establishment of a sexual harassment prevention system
  • Advised corporate clients on the transition of temporary workers into permanent employment (regular workers)
  • Represented clients in dealing with internal reporting and related process (Sotong Hotline)
  • Advised clients on the structure and contracts to compensate for social performance
  • Advised on incorporating social value transactions into existing laws
  • Advised social enterprises and social ventures on legal due diligence, etc.
  • Advised the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Korea Legislation Research Institution, etc. on the legislations related to social values
  • Advised clients on the establishment of a compliance program and other related advisory services
  • Advised clients on the conditions of internal transaction/subcontracting/unfair transaction/and unfair dispatch and the establishment of responsive measures

  • Advised clients on the review of their compliance with guidelines applicable to corporate governance report and matters related to corporate disclosure
  • Provided consultation to listed companies or companies to be listed in connection with the establishment of an internal control system and disclosure system
  • Advised clients on stewardship and shareholder activism
  • Advised insurance companies and media companies on hostile merger and acquisition (including advising on the acquisition strategies and defense strategies) and the measures to stabilize corporate management
  • Advised numerous PEs on the collection of investments and matters related to management disputes in the companies subject to their investment
  • Advised Korean companies on legal risks related to the corporate governance that may arise during the examination process for the transition into a holding company, M&A, and public listing
  • Advised clients on the improvement of corporate governance (advising on the shareholders’ meeting, the composition of the board and the audit committee, and the internal regulations including the articles of incorporation)
  • Represented numerous listed companies including a steel company in litigation related to management dispute such as claims for the preliminary injunction for the suspension of performance of duty, the preliminary injunction to inspect and copy the shareholders’ register, and a claim for the inspection of account books and records, etc.

Sustainable Finance
  • Advised a Korean financial holding company on the preparation of the Group's Financial Consumers Protection Operation Regulation and related matters
  • Advised a Korean asset management company on matters related to the nation's first carbon fund
  • Advised a Korean bank on the refinancing of the existing PF loan related to solar power and the funds necessary for the PF
  • Advised a client on the acquisition of a solar photovoltaic power plant
  • Advised a client on the hydroelectric power project in Vietnam
  • Advised a client on matters related to the Impact Finance Promotion Committee, impact finance business, and social funds