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Practice Area|ESG & Sustainability

Human Rights Management, CSR/Sustainability/Social Value

Nowadays, more and more businesses and organizations are putting emphasis on human rights management. The vast numbers of groups that make up international society, including the United Nations, are including corporate human rights responsibility in their regulations on human rights. As part of South Korea’s effort to keep up with the international trends, the Korean government has newly created a chapter on Business and Human Rights in its National Action Plan (NAP), and the National Human Rights Commission of Korea has published ‘Human Rights Management Guidelines’ and included human rights management score in management evaluation on public organizations. When it comes to the private sector, global companies including Coca-Cola, Unilever, Apple, and Microsoft already made their own systematic strategies for human rights management and have long been executing those strategies to fulfill their promises. Korean companies are also increasingly paying attention to human rights management. This is because, they know that a company may face a crisis stemmed from various human rights-related issues if it fails to establish a human rights management system and control and prevent corporate-related human rights problems.

Jipyong’s Human Rights Management Advisory Team is composed of by Managing Partner Sung Taek Lim, who served as a non-standing member of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, Attorney Min Shin, an expert in corporate law and human rights management, Attorney Young Soo Kim, who engaged in human rights activities in Gong-Gam (a Korean Public Interest Lawyers Group) for a long time, Attorney Tae Hyung Kim, who has a plethora of experience in various human rights-related litigations, and Attorney Jun Hee Seo, who has extensive experience in legal advice on corporate social responsibility. With these top experts, the group is providing systematic and specialized advice on human rights management tailored to each business’s needs. Leveraging its breadth of experiences and specialties, Jipyong is providing successful legal services in petitions, complaints, and litigations related to human rights.

Sustainability of corporate management has also long been an important topic in the international society and people are increasingly paying attention to promoting social value. These new trends draw issues of corporate sustainability and social value management. Jipyong established corporate/ public interest law research society which has long been doing research into corporate issues related to public interest, and created a subcommittee of social economy to support social economic activities, conduct research on how to institutionalize social economy, and advise on related-laws. We are also highly experienced with corporate activities to promote social value, establishing rules and regulations, supporting social enterprises, and advising on social value management and impact investing.

With Jipyong’s high professional expertise and strong work ethics gained from a wide array of experiences, we will help businesses adapt to the new paradigm of human rights management, corporate sustainability and social value management.

Key Practice Areas Close

    • Legal advice on development and reporting of human rights management system and human rights-related policies
    • Legal advice on issues related to human rights treaties including UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
    • Due diligence on corporate human rights, and impact assessment (corporate human rights investigation, human rights impact assessments, human rights reality check)
    • Legal advice, internal investigation, and response to a business’s human rights-related issues
    • Petitions to the National Human Rights Commission of Korea or the United Nations Human Rights Council, and civil/criminal litigations related to human rights

Experience Close

    • Advised a state-owned enterprise on its establishment of human rights management system
    • Conducted human rights impact assessments on a state-owned company
    • Conducted due diligence and investigation and proposed a plan for improvement related to a specific human rights-related issue to a private enterprise
    • Addressed petitions to the National Human Rights Commission of Korea related to corporate affairs
    • Advised legal issues related sexual harassment and workplace bullying for corporate clients
    • Advised SK Group on its aims to promote social value and its ‘Social Progress Credit’ Incentive System
    • Advised Impact Finance Steering Committee and Impact Finance businesses
    • Advised social ventures