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JIPYONG is committed to advancing human rights, democratic
transparency, and access to justice for the underprivileged.

DUROO Website

Jipyong is a champion of public interest. Our lawyers are professionals who
adhere to the highest ethical standards and support diversity, equal access to
justice, and community service.

Jipyong, a law firm incorporated in 2000, has constantly performed pro bono activities with the spirit of “share, care and engage”. Article 1 of the Attorneys-at-Law Act states that the attorney-at-law’s mission is to defend fundamental human rights and achieve social justice. We have consistently endeavored to carry out this mission. Jipyong was the first Korean law firm to establish a Pro Bono Committee dedicated to public interest work in 2000. We have provided pro bono services relating to the disabled, social economy, corporate public services, international human rights, children and youth, and more. Jipyong’s members use their legal expertise to realize social value through pro bono legal advice and representation and public interest research projects.
To engage in pro bono activities more diligently and systematically with Jipyong’s employees and others who share the same values, Jipyong formed DUROO, a non-profit corporation, to make the world a place full of warmth and fairness. DUROO has partnered with numerous NGOs and non-profit organizations over the years, and encourages our attorneys and employees at all levels to participate in pro bono activities.


  • CARE

Our Public Interest Practice

  • 01Advocacy work and legal counsel for the advancement of civil rights and equal access to justice for the socially and economically underprivileged
  • 02Collaboration with bar associations and public interest organizations
  • 03Pro bono legal service commissioned by government agencies or public institutions
  • 04Participation in or sponsorship of human rights or civic organizations
  • 05Public defense work

Jipyong’s Public Interest Committee

Jipyong’s Public Interest Committee engages in diverse activities through sector-specific subcommittees to pursue social value management and sustainability. For example, to implement our sector-specific policies, Jipyong newly established the Environment Subcommittee to systemically implement the firm’s environmental policy and operates a paperless TF to decrease carbon emission.

Our History

  • 2000Establishment of Jipyong and its Public Interest Committee / Enactment of Jipyong’s Regulations on Public Interest Activities and Ethics Charter
  • 2009MOU with the Ministry of Employment and Labor to support social enterprises
  • 2014Establishment of DUROO / Designation of the Jipyong Public Interest Day
  • 2015First Korean law firm to publish a public interest activities report
  • 2015Recipient of the “3rd Annual Pro Bono Award” and the “1st Annual Award for Work-Life Balance Culture in Legal Society” (Korean Bar Association)
  • 2018First law firm in Korea to publish a Social Responsibility Report
  • 2018Recipient of the “1st Annual Korea Legal Award” in “Public Interest” (by Money Today The L, Korea In-house Counsel Association)
  • 2018MOU with Save the Children
  • 2019Declaration of Jipyong’s commitment to social value management / Establishment of the Social Value Committee
  • 2019Recipient of the “2nd Annual Korea Legal Award” in “Public Interest” (by Money Today The L, Korea In-house Counsel Association)
  • 2019Recipient of the “Minister of Employment and Labor Commendation” at the 2019 Edaily Quality Jobs Awards (by Edaily)
  • 2020Recipient of the “3rd Annual Korea Legal Award” in “Public Interest (Litigation)” (by Money Today The L, Korea In-house Counsel Association)
  • 2020First Korean law firm to publish a sustainability report
  • 2020Establishment of the Jipyong ESG Center
  • 2020-PresentDUROO has 11 full-time public interest attorneys (the largest number of public attorneys among the Korean law firms)