Jipyong's ESG Management Policy
Jipyong is the first law firm in Korea to declare its commitment to social value management. We committed to promoting not only economic values but also social justice and endeavoring to solve social problems, to become a law firm that grows with society. As part of its efforts, Jipyong has published annual corporate social responsibility reports since 2017 and a sustainability report in 2020 in compliance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) criteria, the widely used global standard. Those reports cite Jipyong’s management achievements which contributed to the public interest and the social, economic, environmental, and cultural development of local communities and transparently report on matters to be improved from the social value perspective. In 2019, Jipyong became the first law firm in Korea to join the UN Global Compact (UNGC). In response to the call of our times to internalize ESG management, Jipyong endeavors to implement the UNGC’s 10 principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption and Sustainable Development Goals. Jipyong will continue to designate annual social commitment projects which reflect the needs of our society and engage with all its members to promote legislative improvements. As with its establishment of the ESG Center, Jipyong will also pioneer legal practices which focus on the realization of social value and proactively contribute to the creation of an ecosystem of public interest attorneys.
We believe the mission of a lawyer is to defend fundamental human rights and achieve social justice (Article 1 of the Attorney-at-Law Act). The legal profession is that of a public nature (Article 2 of the Attorney-at-Law Act). Law firms bear a heavier social responsibility than any other company. To fulfill social responsibility, we will actively contribute to society and perform pro bono activities, and do our best to advocate for minority rights and ensure social justice. Furthermore, we will organize transparent and democratic corporate governance, actively recruit minorities, including the disabled, North Korean defectors, and women who had to give up their career, and prevent discrimination against any of our members. We will also promote both work and family life, gender equality, and the environment for well-balanced life and work. We will not only comply with high ethical standards but also take the initiative in protecting the environment and vitalizing social economy for sustainable society.

Social Value Committee
Following its announcement of social value management, Jipyong established the Social Value Committee, which is led by Managing Director Sang Jun KIM as Chairperson. Jipyong’s SV Committee was established to internalize and realize social value management at the company level, to reflect social values that meet the global criteria in Jipyong's governance, HR, education, business, procurement, and environment as well as its relationship with the legal society and local communities, and to comply with and assess international standards including the UN SDGs. Jipyong continuously endeavors to define the meaning of public interest, social justice, and social value for law firms and prioritize activities which benefit the public.
The World Where Flowers Blossom from Law
and Law Sheds Tears
Jipyong believes that a law firm’s purpose is to create not just economic value but also social value. We believe a lawyer’s work is goes beyond providing legal services. We will always keep in mind that we provide our legal advice or represent our clients as if we are in their shoes, and that we may sometimes need to be a mentor to our clients or comfort them. We will strive for a world where law makes flowers bloom and law sheds tears.