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New Technologies & New Industries

Jipyong finds the critical importance in immediately and accurately identifying the legal issues and applicable laws and regulations associated with the newly developed technologies and industries.

Jipyong has been providing comprehensive advice to companies developing new technologies and entering into new industries by utilizing its extensive experience, resources, and understanding of the emerging industries such as mobile platforms, the Internet of Things, Fintech, healthcare, and telemedicine.

Corporations and entrepreneurs are often frustrated due to the lack of legislation, loopholes, and negative application of existing laws and regulations regarding new technologies and new industries. With our extensive experience in supporting legislation of various laws and regulations, Jipyong aims to satisfy the expectation of companies and individuals leading new technologies and new industries by offering top-quality legislative and legal consulting services.

Jipyong, by securing legal experts in various fields, is committed to providing advice and legal services specifically tailored to the needs of the companies developing new technologies and engaging in new industries by utilizing flexible operation of competent expert groups in Jipyong.

Key Practice Areas Close

    [Support Government and Private Sectors]

    • Cooperation with government agencies that desire to enact and revise laws related to new technologies and new industries, and supporting them during the drafting process to promoting and reviewing the bills at the National Assembly
    • Consultation on the entire process of enacting and revising the law for companies and private organizations that desire to enact or revise the law

    [Consultation on Legislation]

    • Reasonable authoritative interpretation of various laws and regulations of government departments and administrative agencies, and comprehensive consultation on the improvement of unreasonable government regulations

    [Legal Advice]

    • Consultation on various legal issues faced in the industrial development of new technologies and new businesses
    • Due diligence, investment, establishment of joint ventures and M&A for companies engaged in new technologies and new businesses

Experience Close

    • Conducted research on the maintenance of laws and regulations related to R&D project of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology)
    • Advised AhnLab on security solutions and Internet services and represented lawsuit
    • Advised NCSOFT, Gamania, and others on diverse issues including domain names, investment in and supply of game service, protection of private information and represented them in relevant litigations
    • Advised and represented on-line game companies, news portal websites, etc. regarding private information leakage issues
    • Advised on the laws governing P2P service, DRM, and production and distribution of other digital contents
    • Advised numerous IT companies, such as KTF, KTFT, etc., on intellectual property right
    • Advised gaming companies and IT companies, such as Ahnlab, Secure Soft, NC Soft, Actoz Soft and NTREEV Soft, and represented them in lawsuits
    • Advised portal companies such as Naver, Daum, Interpark, and SK Communications on intellectual property rights
    • Advised the pharmaceutical companies on the patent and/or license contract(s) and trade secret protection
    • Advised a special inter-departmental government organization on supporting the new drug development project
    • Advised PG on business operation and business relations
    • Advised AI system development and supply companies
    • Advised on the application of regulatory sandboxes, such as temporary permits and demonstration cases under the Industrial Convergence Promotion Act