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[JIPYONG & AIGCC Webinar] Trends of Shareholder Climate Change Engagements and Effective Communication Strategy

Once considered a novelty, shareholder engagement on climate has evolved into a new but widely accepted form of stewardship. The UN supported Principles for Responsible Investment includes the filing of shareholder resolutions consistent with long-term Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) considerations and the exercise of voting rights as possible actions that give effect to the principle of active ownership and incorporation of ESG isues in investors’ ownership policies and practices. Regulators over the world increasingly been signaling support for active ownership. It is timely in view of increasing scrutiny of climate-related risks and opportunities faced by global companies and the need for robust transition strategies.

ClientEarth together with AIGCC timely published 「Net Zero engagement in Asia : A Guide to Shareholder Climate Resolutions」. Jipyong LCC participated in the publication with leading law firms in Asia. Along with AIGCC, Jipyong, prepared a venue to introduce the latest legal trends and issues related to shareholder engagement on climate change, and to seek corporate communication strategy.

*  Program
*「Net zero engagement in Asia: A guide to shareholder climate resolutions」