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Practice Area|Family Law

Trusts & Estates

Jipyong provides customers with practical services based on our experiences in lawsuits relating to invalidation of will, confirmation/recognition of parent-child relationships, claims for supporting allowance, adoption, dissolution of adoption, and adult guardianship. In particular, adult guardianship and drawing a will require thorough pre-emptive preparation to prevent disputes. Jipyong, deploying extensive experience in litigation and advice, supports clients to be prepared for disputes.

Key Practice Areas Close

    • Inheritance disputes such as inherited property division and claims for the return of property and contribution by law
    • Qualified acceptance of limited approval, abandonment of inheritance
    • Invalidity of donation or will
    • Divorce by agreement or trial, international divorce, property division, alimony claims, parental rights and custody designation/change, and claims for fostering expenses
    • Advise on inheritance and gift tax, tax investigation, and lawsuit for tax
    • Confirmation of paternity, cognitive claim and claim for fostering expense, adoption, and dissolution of adoption
    • Judging to start adult guardianship

Experience Close


    • Advised on a lot of cases on inherited property division
    • Advised on a lot of cases claiming for return of property by law
    • Advised a number of family business succession and corporate governance changes, including “S” company worth KRW 100 billion
    • Established strategy for intergenerational transfer of property and tax reduction through inter vivos gift
    • Established strategies and advised on inheritance tax savings for a number of wealthy persons including “K”
    • Advised on inheritance tax investigation, etc.
    • Claim for pre-deliberation and tax trial on inheritance tax and gift tax
    • Established strategies and advised on inheritance and gift for overseas Koreans and foreign investors residing in the US, China, Vietnam, and Indonesia
    • Represented a number of adult guardianship cases


    • Conducted lawsuit claiming for inherited property division
    • Conducted lawsuit claiming for return of property by law
    • Conducted a lawsuit claiming for cancellation of imposition of inheritance tax and gift tax
    • Divorce and property division, claim for alimony, parental rights and custody designation/change, claim for fostering expense
    • Conducted a lawsuit claiming for alimony due to undue termination of de fact marriage relations
    • Cognitive claim and claim for fostering expense, adoption and dissolution of adoption
    • Invalidity of will
    • Qualified acceptance of limited approval, abandonment of inheritance
    • Claim for commencement of adult guardianship