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Project Leader, Jipyong Management Consulting

Kwang Wui KIM

Mr. Kwang Wui Kim is a Senior Project Leader (PL) at Jipyong’s ESG Center. Before joining Jipyong, he worked in ESG and sustainably consulting at various consulting firms, including accounting and law firms. Currently, he is a member of the ESG & Sustainability Strategy (ESS) Group at Jipyong’s ESG Center, where he not only consults on ESG management diagnosis, strategy, disclosure, and communication, but also helps companies establish management systems for major non-financial risks such as human rights management, supply chain management, and compliance, and conducts various projects that provide solutions from the perspective of social impact and market competitiveness.

Education Close

  • 2014University of Minnesota Twin Cities (B.A. in Economics)

Experience Close

  • 2021-PresentProject Leader, Jipyong Management Consulting
  • 2019-2020Consultant, ESG & Sustainability Strategy Team, Risk Advisory Division, Deloitte Anjin LLC
  • 2015-2019Consultant, Sustainable Management Division, THE CSR

Languages Close

Korean / English

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